About Us

Hi, welcome to our blog where we will keep you updated on what is happening with Rawlings Photography, we will also be posting a few photographs from our latest sessions for you to view. Hope you enjoy looking around. Amanda & Mark

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Bank Holiday in the Lakes

We took a few days off and went on a camping trip to the lake district, and it didn't even rain...that much!! Here are a few shots from the sunny day.

Yes, Mark did shoot into the sun, but i think it works...you gotta break the rules sometimes!

Blurry water, always a winner.

Dungeon Gyhll.

Been photographed a 1000 times before but it still looks good.

Famliy fun

Kirk & Charmaine

We photographed Kirk & Charmaine a couple of weeks ago in the grounds of a hotel over in the lake district. They made it very easy for us to get some fantastic shots as they were so in love and very natural in front of the camera.

Saturday, 9 May 2009


Here are a few more images from Barbados, but minus the Bride & Groom....I know we were technically working, but can you really go to Barbados and call it work!

Aw..I miss that view!

Hanging around in the hotel gardens.

The beer in Barbados is so good even the snails get drunk!

Lazy shot..Looking up from the sun lounger.

Sunset from the beach at our hotel.

Family shoot

We recently photographed brothers Ben & Jonny...oh and got a few shots of their Mam & Dad aswell! The boys were very cheeky and we had loads of fun with them.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Marina & Eden's Wedding

Our latest wedding was an absolute dream to be involved with, we were lucky enough to travel to Barbados to photograph Marina & Eden's wedding with their close family and friends.

A destination wedding doesn't mean compromising on the photography, and we certainly didn't have to with so many stunning locations and scenery. As you can see from the images Marina looked gorgeous in her dress and Eden looked very stylish and relaxed (well relaxed after the ceremony anyway!!). We had a fantastic time with everyone and would like to pass on a special thanks to the Best man 'Seedy' for all his help.

Here are just a few favourites from their fabulous wedding in sunny Barbados.