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Hi, welcome to our blog where we will keep you updated on what is happening with Rawlings Photography, we will also be posting a few photographs from our latest sessions for you to view. Hope you enjoy looking around. Amanda & Mark

Sunday, 15 February 2009

2008 Christmas card

We had the idea that we would make our
own Christmas card, after literally seconds
of thought we decided it would be fun to see
what we could do using "light Graffiti".
After making the house as dark as we could
we got a torch and some coloured filters and
had "quite a few" attempts at drawing a
Christmas tree...

All we needed now was a better background,
which was found at a local shopping centre.

Once we found a view point we liked the
rest was easy... ish!

It took a few attempts to get it right, and we managed to
get the above image and get back to the car just as security
arrived to check out the two dodgy people dressed in black
sneaking around the reindeers!

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